“‘Mumia Exception’s’ ugly head again” : The Philadelphia Inquirer has this story about Third Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro’s dissent in the Mumia Abu-Jamal case which reads, in part, “Our court has previously reached the…
Author: <span class="vcard">admin</span>
The Sentencing Project has this today: In an opinion piece published in the annual report of the Open Society Foundation of South Africa, Marc Mauer cautions policymakers to avoid the U.S.…
That’s the headline from SCOTUSblog, which provides this intro: The Justice Department, in a new brief in the pending Supreme Court cases on detainees’ legal rights, argued that any reopening of the…
The Times-Dispatch of Richmond, Virginia has this article today: “Governor Kaine postpones Bell execution; Executions will be stayed till U.S. high court rules in lethal-injection case.” Here are the highlights: Gov. Timothy M. Kaine granted a…
The Washington Post has this article today about a 12-year old boy who killed a man attacking his mother. The article provides, in part: The 12-year-old boy had finished his homework and was…
From today’s LA Times, this article reports the U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear a case asking whether judges may take into account “acquitted conduct” when they determine the length of a…
Capital Defense Weeklyhas this interesting piece about a host of cert denials from Texas in the aftermath of Medellin. 7 Mexican-born inmates on Texas’ death row lost their bids for appeal Monday before…
This term, the nation’s high Court will consider the constitutionality of lethal injection, the means of execution currently used by most states and whether capital punishment is an appropriate sentence…
On Thursday, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decided Abu Jamal v. Horn. Abu Jamal was convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981 and sentenced to death. Capital Defense Weekly writes here that…
Today the Second Circuit decided Arriaga v. Mukasey, a case in which the petitioner, Nelson Arriaga, was convicted under Connecticut law of second degree stalking and facing deportation. Arriage argued he…