Author: <span class="vcard">admin</span>

Second Chance Act 

Capital Punishment

Kennedy v. Louisiana  U.S. Supreme Court 

The Providence Journal has an interesting piece today on Justice Scalia’s judicial philosophy.  The article is here, and, as expected, strict construction is the theme.  A few highlights: Scalia, a core…

U.S. Supreme Court 

Eighth Circuit Search & Seizure

The Death Penalty Information Center discusses two reports released this week by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California on the high costs of California’s death penalty system. The…

Capital Punishment Incarceration

Excerpts from the San Francisco Chronicle story:  Lawmakers from California to Kentucky are trying to save money with a drastic and potentially dangerous budget-cutting proposal: releasing tens of thousands of convicts from…


SCOTUS blog provides this: Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on Thursday turned aside a plea by California officials, and cleared the way for the release of a state prison inmate…

U.S. Supreme Court 

The LA Times provides an update on federal retroactive crack sentence reductions in California here. The article begins with the following: New federal sentencing guidelines designed to end the racially tinged disparity between…

Crack Retroactivity

On March 25th, Adam Liptak, legal columnist for the New York Times, wrote this article discussing the rate at which innocent people are convicted of felonies. Yesteday, Capital Defense Weekly had this article titled “Another…

Innocent--Released from Prison